But Mike, it's NOT the legislation that is the problem with these schemes, it's the enforcement. I'm not a plumber (nor am I a Gas Safe Registered Person) but I am a Part P and 17th Edition qualified electrician who labours under the same onerous regulatory framework as a gas engineer. I came onto this forum to get advice regarding why the 'Gas Safe Registered Person' who I was obliged to employ (against a threat of a fine of GBP5000.00p if I didn't use a Gas Safe Registered Person) to instal my new combi boiler CANNOT be 'punished' by his regulatory body (the Gas Safe Register) nor by Building Control when he hasn't done the job properly. I have the evidence that the guy has broken the law in what he did but he CANNOT be held to account - and THAT, Mike, makes me ask the question 'what's the point of the Gas Safe Register (or any type of register) if somebody can get themselves registered but then can merely operate as a cowboy and be immune from prosecution - indeed the Gas Safe Registration people are busting a gut to protect the guy (maybe so they don't lose his membership payment next time around) - under the rules of that Registration body?' The Gas Safe Register have even said that despite what a registered member does, unless he is actually sent to jail (and only then if he tells them he is in jail!), THEY WILL NOT DE-REGISTER HIM TO PREVENT HIM DOING THE SAME TO OTHER HOUSEHOLDERS WHO HAVE NO OTHER OPTION BUT TO EMPLOY AN UNSUPERVISED, UNSCRUPULOUS, ABOVE THE LAW PROPERLY REGISTERED GAS SAFE PERSON - WHO HAS PAID HIS MEMBERSHIP FEE AND BOUGHT PROTECTION!
I forgot to mention that I am trying to get a petition onto the Government Website calling for the scrapping of the Gas Safe Register - because it has no legal authority to do anything apart from taking membership fees from its members (don't believe what I say, ask Megan Haigh at Gas Registration) - perhaps I would be wasting my time inviting you to join in and sign it, if it makes it?