the only way to earn on site work is to do the same job over and over and just carry the minimum tools you need
When I went on pricework..I thought feck no way can earn enough...but was still better than basic plumbing rate.
The more you do it the more you in
What you need for each job toolswise...dont carry more.
What you need to make sure is done other trades
Making sure you have right materials there...BEFORE you get there.
Used to bribe forklift driver/labourerwith sweets ...I knew brickies/joiners would get first would get stuff loaded night before I needed to go in.
Used to have pipes for bathrooms cut to size when roughing. Trap straight on...screw basin..pushfit tails on.
Same with toilets, baths etc
Baths /shower trays would fit first...go back after tiling to fit rest
You could make 600easy 1000 if you had no probs.
Did my roughings on friday or saturday...less chances of agents annoying you on those days.
Rads n roughings where money was....tried to keep for later in week as would help give me the push to make the goodmoney.