Dead right. Everyone wants to give you baby advice because their brothers dogs best friends tv had a kid.
But every kid is different. And you gotta tell ppl to back off and that you will do it your way. You just have to get stuck in. Make a few mistakes (not serious ones) and all will be fine.
After having my lil girl (she's 15 months now) I love to hear about other people having kids. Because I know how much joy they bring into your life.
When my little girl Indy Rey Warnock was born, I held her while the midwives took laura away to be cleaned up (it really is a messy affair ).
So I was holding Indy, and I just welled up and started blubbering like a baby. I was soaking her in my tears.
It's just that in an instant you fall in love. Not the love like you love your Missus. It's deeper. Like all of a sudden there is a person with you who you would die for without a second thought.
So don't worry about boring us. Ill keep an eye out for this thread popping up again soon with some good news
Thanks, already told the community midwife to **** off, interfering cow, the baby is ours not the state's.