Of course Gas, apologies if I came across a little defensive on behalf of the guys.
They don't let me in on all their commercial secrets but our little tool box group have become pretty tight.
Rothenberger are out to get them, obviously regardless of whether the love or loathe Roth, they will want to put pay to any future threat. Apparently Roth have been trying to acquire them for a while but the boys have resisted. Obviously their little company isn't worth much but it was for damage limitation for Roth, again you can kind of understand it. They also have been pushed by TP to buy them out as they are a pretty big supplier to PTS now. Again, they want to go it alone and I say fair play to them.
Honestly though GAS, if you saw some of the new products they are scrapping money together to get patents on, you wouldn't believe it. I probably can't say anymore than that as all us guys have to put our name to confidentiality agreements.
In answer to your question on the Jet Swets, I believe they are made in Las Vegas and like all of the boy's tools, none are made in China or India.
I do know that they were looking for another 'few good men' to trial a few new tools, don't know if they've found a few more but I can find out.
Probably need to be in the South London area though.