new install central heating needed

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i doubt if i could do it now but we used to do 7 rads and boiler 2 days for two of us small house are often harder than bigger places as theres nowhere to shove the furniture
i think our record was 8rads and boiler in a day four floors back to back rads and surface verticals looked a treat lol
Okay so would I be right in saying it would cost more than the average price guide of £3k due to the type of house. Only thing I am thinking about now is how are the radiators going to be fixed to the wall as they are stud walls.

it should not cost much more than a standard house type, aslong as the walls are solid the rads could be fitted on heavy duty toggles. The boiler may need to have a stud fitted inside the wall and an non conbustable board between its self and the wall to keep fire ratings.
Have done loads of these houses steel framed prefab houses as already stated straight up into loft and on drops in out in a day £600 labour 2x plumbers and labourer start 8 finish 4p.m and as good as any install thats taken a week all flushed clipped etc etc
Have done loads of these houses steel framed prefab houses as already stated straight up into loft and on drops in out in a day £600 labour 2x plumbers and labourer start 8 finish 4p.m and as good as any install thats taken a week all flushed clipped etc etc

really ?
I used to work with 2 welsh guys a few years back, we used to do a full heating, most times a combi and at least 8 usually 10 rads, trunking vertical and horizontal, bay windows too. All done and dusted for about 3 everyday. You can be quick and neat, if its something you do for long enough you build up the speed without loosing the neatness.
Yep spent years doing heating systems in a day , 2 plumbs and labourer on same routine gets to be a doddle to such an extent we were doing two packs a day at one point .
Absolutely creamed it in , all water samples passed as well which seems to be rarity now
The heating is on and flushing while all the patching and paperwork is being done, so about 1.5 hours. No it aint being flushed for 2 hours as it says it should be, but I bet not 1 off the guys on here ever do that.
We had to take samples in Sentinel tubes for company, so all cleaned and inhibited.
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i flush my new installs correctly including taking tds readings, but thats what i have charged for i guess. I have seen hundreds of one a day installs, put plenty of them right aswell.
how long do you spend flushing and commissioning in this day?

i usually only do a cold water flush anyway tryed the powerflushing root never made any diffrence and just took up time ,if the systems that bad the rads with be nacked anyway so i always say change them or i walk away as just gunner have loads of call backs and hassle i flush out with mains pressure then put cleaner in for a week then go back empty the system then put inhibitor in ,as well as a tf1 on the system works fine for me
Oh dont worry those days have gone for me as well !!
like most i spend time up the merchants waffling about how a few year ago i was home by two with £250 in the bank each day no lucky if i get fifty quid lol
Yep spent years doing heating systems in a day , 2 plumbs and labourer on same routine gets to be a doddle to such an extent we were doing two packs a day at one point .
Absolutely creamed it in , all water samples passed as well which seems to be rarity now

Two full systems in a day? There is no way that would be a good standard of work in my eyes.
i did some contract work and i have done it to not as much as Tom who is the God of all fitters but did a bit my self ,
not proud of this type of work . Quick and good earner but is a back breaker and is really hard work !
Try fit a ch system in 3 bed semi where customers live there and is all nice carpets and expensive furniture around !
hope every one of you know the score so no need to scratch it for long .
We all can do the work if we have the work ,dont we !
I swear we were doing ten a week and they were no different if you do one a week same standard , its all about routine and getting to know style of house .Before you know it heating systems are installed within a few hours and your onto the next by midday install is as good as anyone here is installing .
Two full systems in a day? There is no way that would be a good standard of work in my eyes.

come on who cares mfgs ,
is it on the wall -yes
does it work-yes
is there no gas leak -yes
is there no water leaks -yes
all carpets down ish -yes

cheque in the bank happy days
i flush my new installs correctly including taking tds readings, but thats what i have charged for i guess. I have seen hundreds of one a day installs, put plenty of them right aswell.

They were all flushed correctly and cleaned as good as can be, you know as well as me and all the other guys, it does not take at least 2 hours to clean a new installed system. If it is cleaned to Sentinells required standard in 15, 30, 60 mins why would you wait another hour or hour and half??
Sentinel send the tubes and swabs or tablets to test the water, when it is passed its passed, no need to leave in all day.
Granted there are some didgy 1 day fitting teams out there, but there are also a hell of a lot of terrible 5 day men or teams. I know I inspect them 2 days a week.
They were all flushed correctly and cleaned as good as can be, you know as well as me and all the other guys, it does not take at least 2 hours to clean a new installed system. If it is cleaned to Sentinells required standard in 15, 30, 60 mins why would you wait another hour or hour and half??
Sentinel send the tubes and swabs or tablets to test the water, when it is passed its passed, no need to leave in all day.
Granted there are some didgy 1 day fitting teams out there, but there are also a hell of a lot of terrible 5 day men or teams.I know I inspect them 2 days a week.

i dont fit in the description above, as i fit full ch in 7 days 🙂 lol
Each to their own tho when it comes to pace of work , i do get offered full heat installs but prefer boiler upgrades as easier less hassle and less stress and if home by midday then all good but not fussed if drag it out.happy now to do bit of work for builders plus small bits of heating contract work as well as bit of private works .
They were all flushed correctly and cleaned as good as can be, you know as well as me and all the other guys, it does not take at least 2 hours to clean a new installed system. If it is cleaned to Sentinells required standard in 15, 30, 60 mins why would you wait another hour or hour and half??
Sentinel send the tubes and swabs or tablets to test the water, when it is passed its passed, no need to leave in all day.
Granted there are some didgy 1 day fitting teams out there, but there are also a hell of a lot of terrible 5 day men or teams. I know I inspect them 2 days a week.
you inspect them ??
I do a lot of surveying and inspecting, I do 2 days a week for a big nationwide compnay.
I used to fit for them too but had more and more private work coming in so just do that for them now.
Each system is different of course, i have known new installs take hours to run clean due to oils etc. in radiators. The test swabs dont really give a great indication. I worked on one job in bham where all new systems got samples sent away to fernox labs. Every sample for first 3 weeks failed, in the end they had to employ one person full time to flush and take samples. He did 2-3 a day and some still came back as fail, i spent a day with him and he flushed out better than i do. The HA knew if there was a fail because the certificates got emailed to them.

I can honestly say that with price work you cant blame anyone throwing them in as its the nature of the beast, but i have not yet seen one commissioned correctly. Those that do one a day installs rearly get sent back to problems because they companies want to keep the production going so send a trainee or suppervisor.
This is the problem here though, just because some are quicker than others it does not meen they are thrown in. It may meen that the others are boringly slow.
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