Two ideal logic plus 30kw on a cascade with LLH open vent is simple and works a treat. Only problem u got is the listed status. Do they have consent for flues and plant!!? Magnanaclean 28mm on return from LLH. Boilers need to be co current connections when in cascade. Boiler 1 gets flow first and ret seconds and boiler two gets flow second and return first.
Thanks for that.
Can you explain why you have to configure the f&r's like that? To maintain an equal flow rate I'm expecting.
I'm also going to quote to fit a sequencer though looking at the other quotes, they haven't. I've installed one before and it's worked well. I used the Warm World model. In fairness it broke after two years (a relay went) but the new one has been in a couple of years now and is all good.