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Discuss party political broadcasts in the Plumbing Jobs | The Job-board area at Plumbers Forums

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I could go on about how negative and socially regressive UKIP could be to this country till im blue in the face.. When i said mildly racist i meant the general public who don't want to be associated with the likes of griffin etc but aren't tolerant of a cultural melting pot.
What's racist about not tolerating a cultural melting pot? Racist is used far too often when people have no other argument, far too easy to shoot someone down as racist
What's racist about not tolerating a cultural melting pot? Racist is used far too often when people have no other argument, far too easy to shoot someone down as racist

OK i,ll rephrase it then, Intolerance to the cultural melting pot that is Britain.
OK i,ll rephrase it then, Intolerance to the cultural melting pot that is Britain.
People don't have a problem with it, we could debate this all night but it does no good as it just ends in a row getting personal like it did last time
People don't have a problem with it, we could debate this all night but it does no good as it just ends in a row getting personal like it did last time

I agree, we're watching this thread carefully, healthy political debate is one thing but don't get personal with it.

Except for politicians. You can call them whatever you like!

Politics. Where 'poly' means 'many' and 'tics' means 'blood sucking parasites feeding relentlessly off normal people'.
I do apologize if anybody thinks i was finger pointing at anyone on here because i didn't mean any posts to come across that way. i did enjoy that little debate though. And i didnt wake up with black eyes which normally happens in real pubs..:biggrin:
I do apologize if anybody thinks i was finger pointing at anyone on here because i didn't mean any posts to come across that way. i did enjoy that little debate though. And i didnt wake up with black eyes which normally happens in real pubs..:biggrin:

If we discuss politics at midnight after a few drinks its probably asking for trouble. I thought this one was fairly mild. :)
as a londoner im pretty tolerant to the place always having been a melting pot i grew up in a mixture of orthodox jews west indians and irish communities but the last 15 years its been swamped by so many nationalities that i feel the outsider now
while i can understand we have open doors to the peoples of europe can some one explain how we have so many Africans Afghans and South Americans here now?
I can't argue with that. Which is why I have been a UKIP member since 2011.

Its not that I support their entire manifesto, because I don't. Its mostly because I think all the other parties need a shot up the jacksie, which UKIP are best placed to provide.

I'm absolutely gobsmacked Ray. A man of your obvious intelligence and education trotting out such a specious and facile statement.

The UKIP are an odious bunch of racists, and supporting them is lending power and legitimacy to their vile views.

You cannot, I'm afraid, claim to only partly support them. When faced with bigots the stance one takes has to be binary - you're either with them or against them. Supporting them on ANY basis adds one more vote to their ENTIRE manifesto - there is no option at the ballot to specify which part of them you support.

I'm quite saddened by reading what you wrote. I think very highly of you and it's quite a sobering thing to have discovered.
Masood votes conservative - I fear the biggest bunch of closet racists!
Masood votes conservative - I fear the biggest bunch of closet racists!

Hell no! Was a lifelong Labour man from a family of Labour voters. Green Party now. I know it's pretty much a wasted vote right now, but every added voice makes it easier to be heard...
Oooh red to green, if I voted would be Monster Raving Loony party
I'm absolutely gobsmacked Ray. A man of your obvious intelligence and education trotting out such a specious and facile statement.

The UKIP are an odious bunch of racists, and supporting them is lending power and legitimacy to their vile views.

You cannot, I'm afraid, claim to only partly support them. When faced with bigots the stance one takes has to be binary - you're either with them or against them. Supporting them on ANY basis adds one more vote to their ENTIRE manifesto - there is no option at the ballot to specify which part of them you support.

I'm quite saddened by reading what you wrote. I think very highly of you and it's quite a sobering thing to have discovered.

Mas, how exactly are UKIP racist? I've not seen anything that points to that and I also think that it maybe a bit of stirring from the other parties to muddy the waters, due to fear!
I'm no racist and I am prepared to be enlightened by facts.
I'm absolutely gobsmacked Ray. A man of your obvious intelligence and education trotting out such a specious and facile statement.

The UKIP are an odious bunch of racists, and supporting them is lending power and legitimacy to their vile views.

You cannot, I'm afraid, claim to only partly support them. When faced with bigots the stance one takes has to be binary - you're either with them or against them. Supporting them on ANY basis adds one more vote to their ENTIRE manifesto - there is no option at the ballot to specify which part of them you support.

I'm quite saddened by reading what you wrote. I think very highly of you and it's quite a sobering thing to have discovered.

Hi Mas

Sorry if this has upset you, but perhaps you would let me expand? I don't mind you disagreeing with me, and I don't even mind you thinking I am bigoted, but I do resent the word "facile"

This is not a casual decision. I have had a greater than average interest in politics for all of my life, including studying history, politics and economics at university. My major interests are economics and history, from either of which politics is but a short step.

I don't have a natural home in politics, because in economics I am a conservative, but am socially libertarian. As you might appreciate this causes some serious clashes, since the most traditionally socially liberal parties are the most economically illiterate, and the only mainstream party with any semblance of economic credibility (and thats waning fast) has a history of opposing just about every socially liberalising issue that arises.

So I am very used to finding myself making common cause on one issue with people with whom I disagree strongly on other issues.

Between 1990 and 2010 I saw develop a kind of post-Thatcherite soft left consensus which allowed all politics to move only a few degrees to the left or right of a midpoint which I believe is far too statist - ie it encouraged and enabled the state to expropriate or borrow far too much money, and to have too great an influence on individual freedoms and choices. I believe that this is naturally antagonistic to British political tradition, but a great deal of it bypassed traditional UK politics and came, via the back door, from Europe.

You will not be surprised to learn that I consider the EU political institutions to be morally and financially corrupt beyond the scope of anything that we worry about in the UK, and entirely lacking in any democratic accountability.

Whilst in the relatively high-tariff 1970s there was a strong case for joining the free-trade EEC, in the low tariff twenty-teens, there is no such economic argument, and I think that it will be marginally to our trading advantage to be outside of the EU. I understand enough about the limitations of economic forecasting to recognise that this could be wrong, but if it is, its probably only slightly to our economic disadvantage.

However, I can find nothing but a few marginalised back-benchers in any of the three major parties who seem to care about these problems. I had used to think about the "vote for x (minority party) will just let y (boogyman) in" But there is no substantive difference between any of the three main parties. They merely argue over what colour the deckchairs on the titanic should be.

Deeply disillusioned after the utter failure of the Rose Garden coalition to "change the way we did politics" I actually sat down and read the manifesto/policy document of every major political party in 2011. There was no document that I could entirely support, but the one with which I had most in common on most subjects is the UKIP manifesto.

Now, to the racism question.

Its openly admitted, even by those in charge at the time, that the UK lost control of its borders about 15 years ago. I am not comfortable with that, and I wish to see control of the borders restored.

I admit to feeling uncomfortable when I walk down the street of my provincial English city, and feel that English is a minority language in some areas.

I find it appalling that simply by talking about these things, there are many people who would label me as racist. Certainly no mainstream politician could make the 2nd statement without being ripped apart.

For me, the Europe question and the breaking of the soft-left consensus are the big issues, but I find UKIPs official position on immigration and race to be uncontroversial. You can read them[DLMURL=""] here[/DLMURL].

Has the party attracted some nutters? Of course it has. Do some of them talk utter tripe? Of course they do.

But all the main parties have had nutters over the years. Suggesting that one must have a "binary response" is the same as saying that voting labour is the same as endorsing marxist-leninism, simply becaise the party contains some people who believe in ML theory. Or that voting Tory means you think that homosexuality is a disease.

I don't want to see a UKIP government, nor do I expect to see one. But I do hope to see a referendum on EU membership, some movement towards a lower tax economy, and yes, a debate about immigration where I can voice my concerns without being labelled a bigot or a racist.

And to that end, I am a member of UKIP. Not a nutter. Not a racist. Just a member of UKIP.
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To say UKIP is racist is not only to redefine the word but also to pander to the pathetic attempts of the mainstream parties to smear UKIP.

Labour, Tories, Libs & the left wing press must have armies of researchers desperately searching through social media postings of UKIP members in an attempt to find any minor indiscretions.

Does anyone seriously think that if the same effort was applied to searching through the posts of any other politicians that it wouldn't turn up exactly the same ?

It smacks of the mainstream parties having no real answers, proven by Clegg in the televised debates.

I'm sure the real reason Cameron, Milliband & Clegg all sound & say exactly the same is that the real power base is not Westminster but Brussels & they have no room to manoeuvre when it comes to policies, a puppet government if you will !
I would define racism as actually hating someone because of their creed and not a personal reason.

I really get annoyed by people who rabbit on about not saying this and not saying that. But I hate to see any real discrimination, not the petty rubbish u face at a council office Eurocrats meeting but the assholes making a refugees life hell because some dim whit placed them in a really rough estate.

Best racism I have seen (best being most virulent was between Pakistani and Bangladeshi , lived by them both it's was an amazing education in racist terms!

Also some if the eastern block migrants of. 1990's are awful.

But a decent number of ukip voters appear to be dissident bnp ?
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Wow Ray that was exquisite. Wish I understood most of it but I'm fairly sure I get what you mean and it's refreshing to see.
personally I don't think immigration is a bad thing. but it has to have worth to the UK as whole whether that be economic cultural or otherwise to name but a few reasons. The EU open borders policy just doesn't work in my opinion.

i personally don't think anybody should be allowed to enter the country for the purposes of employment or residence if they they do not have a fluent standard of spoken and written English.

People who think British means being of a particular skin colour and trace their lineage well that's a totally outdated concept and would count the royal out for a start.

Societies evolve and progress throughout time and interaction with other cultures.

That's not to say we shouldn't preserve British traditions far from it and nobody should be accused of being racist for doing that however i do think a lot of indiginous british have become lazy in their preserving their heritage (myself probably included) which has allowed the far right to get in their and make our traditions as apparently racist because our apathetic political establishment who pander to the bleeding heart pc establishment.

If you think we should have a closed borders mentality then we shouldn't have embarked a policy of colonisation in countries like India Pakistan, Africa etc etc. you cant colonise half the continent then expect it not to have consequences.

The political establishment sucks and i dont think UKIP would be any better. Their all after the gravy train that come with a being a paid politician. but I will be voting UKIP because i want to rock the boat. if there was a referendum on in or out of EU then i would be voting out. i see the value in free trade which it what it was originally but what it has turned into only works for politicians. nobody else.

I also want low taxation and less red tape and i only think you can appreciate this when you become self employed or run your business. but i also want fair taxation and i dont mind paying my fair share but, whilst not knowing exact figures i would hazard a guess i pay more tax as a percentage of my profits than most multi million pound corporations do and that is wrong.
we should all be paying our fair share but i dont think that will happening any time soon because all politicians pander to big business and share holders and essentially all humans are led by greed and generally look after their own interests.

If society wants to improve in general then i think humans as species need to have a good look at themselves and take the evolutionary step and stop placing so much importance on materialist goods wanting this and that (i am also guilty of this).

geez i could go on all day about this crap like this but what's the point nothing will ever change.

this may sound like rambling and probably is and i blame Guinness for that. although i did like this picture immigration isnt a bad thing..jpg
I Don't back the trade union thing though. Driven by greed, kick backs and the drive to obtain a say in the political system it's the unions fault we have Wallace.... I mean ed milliband running the reds
I Don't back the trade union thing though. Driven by greed, kick backs and the drive to obtain a say in the political system it's the unions fault we have Wallace.... I mean ed milliband running the reds

Yep trade unions are a bit like the ideology of communism. its great in theory but like all things humans get involved in. it gets twisted for a few peoples greed, agenda and twisted beliefs and before you know a whole nation/workforce have sleepwalked themselves into something that wasn't intended nor can they get themselves out of it that easily.
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I'm absolutely gobsmacked Ray. A man of your obvious intelligence and education trotting out such a specious and facile statement.

The UKIP are an odious bunch of racists, and supporting them is lending power and legitimacy to their vile views.

You cannot, I'm afraid, claim to only partly support them. When faced with bigots the stance one takes has to be binary - you're either with them or against them. Supporting them on ANY basis adds one more vote to their ENTIRE manifesto - there is no option at the ballot to specify which part of them you support.

I'm quite saddened by reading what you wrote. I think very highly of you and it's quite a sobering thing to have discovered.

Masood the Muslim world is being used as a tool of division,by the New World Order,thats why the yanks fund Jihadists in Syria,and Libya,and also kill there own people in 911,the more hard line muslims become in Europe the more they are playing into the hands of the NWO,
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