New EU regulations come into force next year re sizing. They take into account the behaviour of inhabitants and calorie burn.
The assessment involves a questionnaire that is mandatory and must record certain information in relation to all occupants, such as: how much time they spend watching TV, and use of the remote; how many times a-week they have sex; how much time they spend arguing; whether the kids are HDD, etc.
Apparently, research shows that randy parents with six rowdy kids who fight over the remote require 50% less heat input per square metre than a couple who live the quiet life.
Assessors will need to register, and be able to show that they have level one C&G 6372 in counselling, and Relate 217 in mediation skills.
The Government are calling it the: 'Small Clean & Green Radiator Assessor's Program', or SCRAP for short.
Watch this space for more details.