I do a full boiler service for £40, I am just starting out on my own, i am currently employed. it's more of a temporary price till i get enough customers.
check everything for this.
remove and clean burner/heat exch, gaskets extra if condencing boiler
check bp,wp at boiler and meter, gas rate, flue annalyser, cheack all rads working, tanks in loft, loads more, ive got a full list on my website, I know thats too cheap and I don't want to lower rates in my area but its a good way to get my name out there to new customers. Once I have a decent work load and leave my company I am with now, i plan to increase prices as I would like to think the customers will come back because I did a good job not just because its cheap.
You'll keep some customers. Others will just go for cheapest always. Pay peanuts they get monkeys.