Valillant ecotec 418 condensing boiler - 6 months old not working!

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Yes, I have been advised to give him one last chance as the court will expect us to do that. So we have given him a generous deadline to sort it out & if he doesn't we will find another plumber, claim damages etc and report him to Gas safe ( that won't help him get his license back). Cheers!
He was when he fitted the boiler, we have just found out he has lost his gsr but gas safe won't tell us why. They were the owns who told us he hadn't registered the boiler with building regs. I would not have thought to call them if he hadn't accused me of reporting him to gas safe, when I hadn't. Must have been another disatisfied customer. It is not my usual style to make trouble I would rather resolve tings amicably but if he won't respond what choice do I have?
He has just rung to say he's been dealing with sick relative all day, will be here at 8.30 am tomorrow. Meanwhile have just bled radiators- 2 full of air, rest ok but none heating properly. Hot water now not heating either.
He has just rung to say he's been dealing with sick relative all day, will be here at 8.30 am tomorrow. Meanwhile have just bled radiators- 2 full of air, rest ok but none heating properly. Hot water now not heating either.

Get someone in who HAS a clue.....and get some money returned from the original installer, he will probably glady do this to get shut of your job etc, only do this AFTER you have had a second opinion
Get someone in who HAS a clue.....and get some money returned from the original installer, he will probably glady do this to get shut of your job etc, only do this AFTER you have had a second opinion

Hi left messages with 3 plumbers yesterday, no call back yet. Would love to get in someone else
I hope it works out for you coz its them sort of people that get the trade a bad name he might just be an installer who has got no clue about fault finding and if he cant do the job just put his hands up and say so and give u a bit back
Hi today he turned up, 2 hours late. Fitted magna filter, air vent to cistern and a gate valve. He will arrange for a new heat exchanger to be fitted but I can't get more time off till June so it will have to be then. I discovered I can get hot water when the heating is turned off so I can manage till then. Thanks to all of you for your advice Kitkat
Not to sure how he will get you a new heat x when the Manufacture has said the system has sludge.
Hope it all works out for you.
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