Yes John the UFH is the main hesting, during the day, in the evening the tench and Rads run if really cold. How can I measure the flue gas temperatures? Do you have any photos of where these temperatures can be taken please? Thanks John you are very helpful and I appreciate the time you have given to answer all my questions.If UFH is the main form of heating this can lead to very low boiler return temperatures and high condensing rates which just may lead to excess sooting if combustion settings are not spot on as per FGA. This "melting" problem was very well known here but seemed unique to the downward firing Firebird, it also be interesting to see any flue gas temperatures and also I think the temperature can be measured after the primary heat exchanger.
So to clarify, if boiler is changed back to 35kw it has enough capacity to heat UFH, Rads, trench & DHW if all calling for heat as these have an output of 44kw or is a 35 kw boiler to small?