
  1. D

    How to vent my glowworm ultracom 30sxi

    Hello helpful people. I have a leaking safety valve, the system is losing pressure over a few days. I am about to replace it but after draining and fitting the new valve the instructions in the manual say "refill, vent and pressurise the boiler" My question is: how do I vent? I see there...
  2. D

    Glowworm boiler clicking but won't fire up

    Hi, I've checked and am aware advice can't be given as to how to fix a boiler, I'm not asking for advice on how to fix it, more a case of how much I might expect something to cost. Apologies if I've got the wrong section. This issue seems to have happened since my street had a power...
  3. B

    glowworm ultracom 2

    fitted quite a few of these a few years ago - but had constant problems with one loosing pressure over a few wks just thought it was old pipework - the property was being modernised so was called to move boiler over by few feet for kitchen units . moved and replaced quite a bit of pipework that...
  4. B

    help glowworm firefront needed

    I have a glo worm melody bbu fire and backboiler and my ex husband threw away the actual wooden fire casing which i need can any1 tell me where i could source 1 many thanks
  5. G

    Glowworm Ultimate 60FF Boiler Kettling

    Hi folks, You may detect the weary tone of someone who's at their wit's end with this problem, so apologies if that is the case. I've been living in my present house for circa 14 months. It has an gravity-fed central heating system with conventional layout of cold water and expansion tank...
  6. P

    Glowworm 18hxi

    Doing a llgsc and service on one of these yesterday. Turned it off then when i turned it back on it went mental then died. Anyone else had this? (Was an easy fix, won't post what as on open forum.) just annoying and luckily had an understanding landlord.
  7. I

    Glowworm Chatsworth gas valve wanted

    Hello, I'm after a Glowworm gas valve for a Chatsworth fire front. The part number is 230502. I know this is obsolete and so far no one seems to have any stock left. Can anyone let me know if they have one or knows where I can find this part?
  8. I

    Glowworm 18hxi service required

    I am looking for an experienced glow worm engineer to service boiler in north london area. thanks.
  9. T

    Max water pressure for a glowworm betacom 30c

    I recently change my water service pipe due to a massive failure of the pipe. I now got insane water pressure which is lovely butttttt I don't think the boiler can keep up nor the shower mixer lol
  10. B

    glowworm hxi

    was asked to look at an older hxi - fan error but from doing gas cert on the boiler last year and knowing what sort of condition it was in and the possibility of it being fan and board I advised they call glowworm - customer paid £199 online call out and they replaced burner door / seal / fan...
  11. Z

    Glowworm micron 30ff

    Anygood? Got one in my new house, never worked on them. Any common faults or parts going obsolete?
  12. P

    Glowworm flexicom upward piping jig.

    Got one of these kits for sale. Brand new in the box but I have opened the box then not used it. For flexicom cx/sx. Will put it on the bay if it doesn't sell on here.
  13. L

    Glowworm 24hxi fan voltage/ boiler dead in the water?

    Greetings one and all. I have been asked to look at a central heating system. The boiler is not firing so I did some tests. It's a standard Y plan system open vented. The boiler is getting the switched live feed from the three port valve OK. However the pump live out from the boiler is dead and...
  14. B

    glowworm hxi 24

    been to look at the above heat only boiler today 1 year old on a new build home . seen them before where they make a noise like a jet plane in low or high rate and adjusting co cures it . this one was different sounded like a tumble dryer when put on high rate - co was spot on in high and low...
  15. N

    overheat glowworm ultimate 40ff

    having a hard time on this job, replaced pcb as not working and all good. cust calls and o/h is now tripping about every few hours, replaced old board with new updated board - anyone had this issue or know of it? cheers
  16. S

    Glowworm perks

    Anyone reached platinum on glowworm boilers yet? just wondered what the installer trips they offer are? also says you should receive glowworm merchandise on gold status. I've been on gold for ages and not received a thing?
  17. N

    Glowworm Ultimate 40ff

    Hi all, Went to have at the above boiler which wasnt firing up. Basically fan not running, had 0v at fan connections at pcb, 0v at fan motor connections and continuity across wiring from pcb to fan so I am thinking pcb has died. The part number req is 900847 but I am finding a new style pcb...
  18. Z

    Glowworm compact 80e

    Heating works fine, hot water works fine. When the heatings been on a while and the tennant runs a tap the boiler locks out. Circulation issues of some sort is my thoughts? Anyone???
  19. A

    Glowworm boiler broken

    Hello everyone, I need some help with this. Our boiler is a glowworm balanced flu something or other. It is a large thing that sits on the floor. It has a very large square vent behind it. 13 years or so ago, it developed a fault: there was a crack/hole on the cast iron tank which sits right...
  20. S

    Banging Noise Glowworm boiler

    Hi - I'm new to this website and I know absolutely nothing about Plumbing or Central Heating. I have a Glowworm Ultracom24cxi boiler - situated inside a specially built box on the wall of my kitchen. Every now and then I hear a loud clanking noise coming from the box. I'm absolutely...