Ye, fingers crossed! Its been fine for quite some time now and I know what some of you are saying but seriously, nothing else has been changed regarding the boiler or the pipework so you can see where Im coming from in my reasoning behind it now working ok since the white condensation pipe was altered. This guy wasn't aware even that I had a problem with the boiler. He did in fact say that the water would back up to the boiler but he couldn't understand why I wasn't losing pressure on it. I was losing pressure but I didn't want him to know that because they wouldn't have insured me if there was a problem. I can understand how frustrating it must be for some of you keep hearing me say that DID solve the problem, really I do but the reality is that I no longer have that problem so there is only one conclusion I can form. I even got someone to rip up solid oak floor because Homeserve plumbers, approx 6 different people over a period of time told me that I most definitely had a leak in the system and yet there was no leak whatsoever but I felt I had to investigate because they were convinced and the problem wasnt going away. They didn't come back with a cheque for the floor when they got it wrong though! They just didn't want to know and unbelievably the last guy that came said he couldnt solve the problem and asked me if Id wait a month or so before I called them out again because he would have to come back as an incomplete job and he didn't want to!!!! How some of them can call themselves Plumbers is beyond me. I even had to explain to one of them how to work the boiler because he really hadn't got a clue, lol. Oh ye, and one of them nicked the instruction manual to the boiler so now I don't have one, lol, unbelievable....... Ya gotta laugh really. Apologies if any of you think I'm ranting on about an area that clearly isn't my field but I can only go on the evidence, so I'm sticking to my guns and I'm afraid nobody will convince me otherwise, lol. He was the only person that got to the bottom of this for me, although I have had tons of help and ideas from people which I'm so so grateful for but I think I'd have to stick my money on him.....up to now anyway. Obviously the water was backing up the boiler which would cause the boiler to cut out. As for the pressure also dropping.....I haven't a clue but something caused the pressure to drop each time this happend, I just don't know yet what but I'm making it a mission to find out, lol. Possible fault with the boiler even making the pressure drop when its cut out....who knows. I it possible for the gauge to show that the pressure had dropped (due to a fault) but in reality it hadn't dropped at all and that the only reason the boiler had cut out was due to water backed up to the boiler? That's probably a really stupid thing to say so go easy on me .....please! Anyway, I'm sure you've all had enough of me rambling on, lol. Thank you 🙂