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Discuss Scottish Autonomy Pros & Cons in the Plumbing Jobs | The Job-board area at Plumbers Forums

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There you go... over to anybody who wishes to cooment
Only pigeons can coo ment on this, but the rest of us will comment.

Independence is political and will not change our relationship with England, but strengthen it.

While on the subject, devolution has proved to be a success, why are the English people not voting for a separate English parliament like Scotland, N.I and Wales have to make decisions for the English people? Instead of moaning about our free prescriptions etc, you could have all this too if you voted for it.
Too deep for me. Been on thhe lash al day. But I think It's the minority tubthumping at the
It's even in the present poll with 46% in favour and 10% undecided. There's 2 years to go and now that the real issues can be debated instead of how and when the referendum is to be held, a lot more will come over to the YES campaign.

Nobody predicted a SNP landslide in the last Scottish election especially when the electoral system for the Scottish Parliament was supposed to be designed that no individual party would have an overall majority.
Only pigeons can coo ment on this, but the rest of us will comment.

Independence is political and will not change our relationship with England, but strengthen it.

While on the subject, devolution has proved to be a success, why are the English people not voting for a separate English parliament like Scotland, N.I and Wales have to make decisions for the English people? Instead of moaning about our free prescriptions etc, you could have all this too if you voted for it.

Here what your saying Colin, so heres my coo ment. If Scotland was a freely devolved nation funding its own existence would the niceties of life North of the border still exist such as the funded higher education and free prescriptions still in the form they are now ?

I find this a particularly insteresting subject. Do you see Scotland able to sustain its own economy, infrastructure, public spending ect. Incidentally did the parliament building up in Edinburgh go up on time and in budget.

Re voting for it, I dont think we will ever get the opportunity.

Any way its late, time for me Horlicks & bed
your joking!.

it will never be able to sustain itself, england will be propping it up. your free education nhs and everything else should be charged and how the hell will you be able to afford 2 million dole'rs in glasgow.

cant have your own castle without paying the rent.
I'm fully in favour of either an English assembly with similar powers to the Scottish assembly or full devolution. Why should Scottish MPs have a say in matters relating entirely to England in the House of Commons when English MPs have no say about similar things that are devolved to the Scottish parliament.

All that the present system does for me is brew resentment.
Ill say the same as what i said about Ireland in the 90,s if they want it give it to them cut all ties and let them crack on.

the problem with this country which still exists today is it has its fingers in too many other country's pies.

look at how much funding we send to aids abroad how can 5 a month give clean running water to little billy when I have to pay hundreds in water rates here.

stop spending the money abroad and fix this country first.

Bod for Prime minister

Cameron out bod in Cameron out bod in
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thanks for clearing that up, i thopught it was a 't' word. that would be a different story..
your joking!.

it will never be able to sustain itself, england will be propping it up. your free education nhs and everything else should be charged and how the hell will you be able to afford 2 million dole'rs in glasgow.

cant have your own castle without paying the rent.
That's the kind of bilge that Scots find infuriating....what does England subsidise us? No way pal. The UK Treasury figures show that Scotland pays more to the UK than it gets back, in fact we have a surplus. No one is "propping" us up or subsidising us. In fact the oil revenues from our shores have been squandered on the failed policies of successive UK governments since the 70's and in fact pays for Englands dole queues which are far bigger than ours and certainly that of Glasgow. Strange how Norway managed to put all the oil money into a oil fund to benefit their citizens, while Westminster hasn't?!!

As for our free tuition fees, care for the elderly, free bus passes for our old folk, free prescriptions and all the other policies that our Scottish government have introduced are paid for and budgeted for, not subsidised by the UK. Note I say the UK Treasury and not the English Treasury as there is no such thing, so how can you say England props us up!!!!!
Shame the Tories can't introduce and budget for the things we get up here for you in England eh?!!

If you want the same as what we have, stop greetin your wee eyes out and moaning a lot of bilge about us being subsidised by "England" (What a bloody joke that one is), and go out and vote for a government that will introduce policies to help YOU!!!

One benefit of independence is that we won't have to listen to and put up with crap like this no more Tories ever!! There's more Pandas up here than Tory MSP's.

Finally a UGov poll in the Scottish Sun shows 46% for Independence and 36% against, with the remainder undecided and there's still 2 years to go.
46% of those polled maybe Colin. but is that a true representation of the overall populace? Or a poll taken in the more firebrand and sabre rattling part of the community? My son Ben lives in Edinburgh, he tells me all those he's spoken to on this matter either don't give a toss or want to maintain the status quo ante!

He tells me that a fair few people aren't so convinced the grass is greener on the other side!
The poll was taken across a wide spectrum of the Scottish population, not just your boy and who he knows. Most people I know are all for it, and that's from the man in the street to owners of large companies.

As the Tory sabre rattling about the how and when the referendum is to be held is now over, the debate can now now start properly and those who you say are "unconvinced" can make a proper judgement. With 2 years still to go, it's now at long last getting to the real issues of the debate.
That's the kind of bilge that Scots find infuriating....what does England subsidise us? No way pal. The UK Treasury figures show that Scotland pays more to the UK than it gets back, in fact we have a surplus. No one is "propping" us up or subsidising us. In fact the oil revenues from our shores have been squandered on the failed policies of successive UK governments since the 70's and in fact pays for Englands dole queues which are far bigger than ours and certainly that of Glasgow. Strange how Norway managed to put all the oil money into a oil fund to benefit their citizens, while Westminster hasn't?!!

As for our free tuition fees, care for the elderly, free bus passes for our old folk, free prescriptions and all the other policies that our Scottish government have introduced are paid for and budgeted for, not subsidised by the UK. Note I say the UK Treasury and not the English Treasury as there is no such thing, so how can you say England props us up!!!!!
Shame the Tories can't introduce and budget for the things we get up here for you in England eh?!!

If you want the same as what we have, stop greetin your wee eyes out and moaning a lot of bilge about us being subsidised by "England" (What a bloody joke that one is), and go out and vote for a government that will introduce policies to help YOU!!!

One benefit of independence is that we won't have to listen to and put up with crap like this no more Tories ever!! There's more Pandas up here than Tory MSP's.

Finally a UGov poll in the Scottish Sun shows 46% for Independence and 36% against, with the remainder undecided and there's still 2 years to go.

I am scottish i dont find it infuriating at all nor does my family nor cousins , i think you speak for a small part of the populace about independance, most of my cousins couldnt give a monkeys . to be fair i have no issue nor ever have living in england as my mother says its warmer for a start
Who propped up the Scottish banks?
Ha, ha, RBS is owned by an English Bank. England didn't prop up anything, the funds came from the UK Treasury, which we in Scotland pay into and get back less than we pay.

Who propped up the English based banks like Northern Rock etc........everyone did! Just like the recent railway balls up by the Tories costing millions, the over budget Millenium Dome, the London Olympics and all the other expensive things you all "conveniently" forget about, we all contributed to the cost.
There are still certain elements I cannot wrap my head round. You want total autonomy yet want to retain sterling as your unit of currency and The Queen as your head of state. You may not be voted into the european union (Though at the moment that's not a bad thing!).

I agree re. the tories, absolutely. the last two PM's were scottish however. I'll let you draw your own conclusion over them!
I am scottish i dont find it infuriating at all nor does my family nor cousins , i think you speak for a small part of the populace about independance, most of my cousins couldnt give a monkeys . to be fair i have no issue nor ever have living in england as my mother says its warmer for a start
No those who REALLY care about our country and giving our kids a decent future and not more of the same want independence and there's a lot more of us than you think. Over 26,000 people contributed to the Scottish Governments Consultation up here, while only 5,000 contributed in the UK one.
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