I didnt want them to know that i was getting it checked though, i dont want any trouble and i know they will cause some.OK, so you saved a couple of hundred quid - (you've had more than a couple if hundred quids worth of advice for free fom here 🙂 )
The plumber clearly isn't prepared to listen to you , so follow Tamz's advice above - it wont cost you a penny, AND will ensure you get a fully compliant system
If they don't fix it ALL within 7 days, then refuse them future access and spend the couple of hundred quite with a GSR fitter from this website, and I'm sure they'll put it right for you.
You'll then sleep well at night ( a couple of bottles of wime will do that too 🙂 )
Anyway all ....thanks for your free service, i will go and sleep my wine off now.:wink5: