Ok, one more post !
ive put a lot of time and effort into attending seminars and speaking with people to find out the real ins and out of the scheme. Perhaps if others did the same rather than rely on the opinions of others without lifting a finger themselves they would be better informed. Certainly on the open forum I'm not going to sprout off about it all for everyone to see including the potentials clients.
In respect to MCS. Most of the companies who have been bitten are companies who popped up overnight to offer solar p.v due to the amount of profit on offer! Jumping in with both feet to make a killing, then not have anything to fall back on when the bottom fell out of it when the tariffs changed. Not entirely there fault, the government cocked it up big time by slashing the FIT over night. I've got first hand experience of this subject so feel I know the situation quite well!
Your right, unless the subsidies are there, renewables don't add up in some instances, the green deal may change that, but it is so complicated a lot are put off including myself for the time being. The FIT fiasco left a sour taste so people will be very wary about the RHI payments as well.
Eaton seems to do well out of heat pumps without the RHI being released so there are cases where the savings are enough to warrant the cost of work. You just need to be able to do the maths rather than blanket statements about certain technologies not working or whatever.
The forums can have a really damaging impact on the industry if it is full of personal opinions without substance.
What you write could be read by your potential customers in the future. Best to make sure its right and accurate.
i agree what your saying and where coming from.
but for me the regulatory burden for a one man band i feel is just too much. for the amount of money that has been thrown at this scheme. it would have been far simpler to offer a voucher scheme and then afterwards to comply you could have the installation inspected by a governing body ie gas safe mcs body for a reasonable fee which could be deducted from final payment if it complys you get paid or you have to get it upto spec to get paid that isnt difficult it creates jobs as you need inspectors and not the sharks middlemen who know feck all about heating and renewables.