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Worcester had left it too like this but they have isolated electrics and gas.who left it Worcester?
But now, the engineer has left the casing off because it was late for him to take the cupboard off the wall to put the casing on. I was so shocked that I didn't know what to say but would have loved to call him names....
I said, are you sure ? He was like, well yeah the casing is just for the noise really hahahahhahahah
I was so shocked that he believed what he was saying.
People like this should be not allowed to work on appliances like this. They should be taken his license away.
They left the boiler running like this and will return tomorrow ...
Now the big cherry !!!!
Guess what the top 2 solutions were to fit the casing ?
A ) either take the cupboard off and put it on ...
B ) cut the back of the casing about 2/3" each site and then put it on so you won't be able to see that and they don't have to take the cupboard off.