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Say nothing more than you are making a claim for UD. If they keep asking for details just say your legal representative Will be dealing with all the install and outs and Will be in touch shortly. State you have nothing more to say. Meeting may well be hard and emotional remember do not get drawn into arguments or say anything in heat of the moment. You are there to hear what they say only. Anything they want from you the stock answer is my legal rep Will be in touch shortly.
If they ask who your legal rep is....they Will be in touch with you shortly when it has been decided exactly who Will be taking the case on.
Give em nowt. Hear them out and record the interview on a dictaphone

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk
Presumably your solicitor could be present at the meeting?
Say nothing more than you are making a claim for UD. If they keep asking for details just say your legal representative Will be dealing with all the install and outs and Will be in touch shortly. State you have nothing more to say. Meeting may well be hard and emotional remember do not get drawn into arguments or say anything in heat of the moment. You are there to hear what they say only. Anything they want from you the stock answer is my legal rep Will be in touch shortly.
If they ask who your legal rep is....they Will be in touch with you shortly when it has been decided exactly who Will be taking the case on.
Give em nowt. Hear them out and record the interview on a dictaphone

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk

Sounds like realy good advice m8, thanks
Thanks again everyone, loads of helpfull posts there, I have applied to the job offer on gumtree, thanks BLOD.
Ok well this is the letter I have replied with..............

I am writing to you regarding my recent dismissal.

I wish to appeal agianst the dismissal, based on the grounds that you have not followed the correct disciplinary procedure. I also believe that I have been unfairly dismissed.

I have not had a written, or verbal warning, nor was I given any documentation to support this.

When raising this issue with you I was told "I don't have to give you a written warning or a verbal warning as I am sacking you on the spot, due to gross misconduct".

The reasons you have given me verbaly from a list you had written up were as follows:

You stated that I had left a loft ladder down in a job I attended and the woman
(who lives a short distance from yourself and who is a friend of yours) then phoned up to say she had lifted her child over the stairgate and left him on the stairs, while she dealt with her other child who was crying. While she was attending to the crying child the 2 year old child apparently had climbed up the ladder and into the loft and she found him crawling around in there. Also, she had apparently hurt her finger when putting the loft ladder back up. You then said she had been "bending your ear" about what happened and subsequently you had to fit her a new boiler for free.

I appreciate I should not have left the ladder down. It was a genuine mistake, for which I have apologised.
However, I find it extremely hard to believe that a two year old had climbed up a ladder and in to a trap hatch that even I found difficult to get into. This also raises the question as to how to the child managed to do this unsupervised.
As for the lady cutting her finger, it is the customers responsibility to make sure her property is in good order and could be construed as her putting me in danger.
I also recieved a letter regarding this issue and was told that it was not a diciplinary letter.

The second reason you gave me, was that I didn't attend a callout.
I had a telephone call from a Nursing Home saying one of their commercial boilers had stopped working and they had no heating.
I explained to the customer that I was sorry but I would be unable to attend as I am not qualified to work on commercial boilers and I am only qualified to work on domestic boilers.
You then pulled me into the meeting room for a chat the next day and told me I must attend all callouts regardless of the situation. When I challenged this decision you told me to just attend anyway for the sole purpose of showing face. I agreed that I would then attend all callouts but may not be able to carry out the work.

Another reason you gave me for my dismissal, was that I attended a job to a service and didn't tell the office that there was a leak on the radiator tail.

I went to service a boiler and while checking all the radiators were working I found a leak on a tail to a radiator behind a cabinet. I telephoned the office and said I would be able to fix it but would need three hours and could you cancel some of my jobs as it was urgent. I was told that the jobs could not be cancelled and I would have to leave it.
I advised the customer it would be best to drain the system as it was a bad leak but the customer was an elderly person who needed heating and did not want this to happen. I then telephoned the office and said it was urgent as it was leaking and he will not let me drain the system. I asked if it could be booked in for me the following day to which I was told, "yes you can go in between jobs to do it". I asked what jobs I had on the next day and was given a list of jobs that would be difficult to complete within the working day as it was, let alone with this three hour job on top. I said "something needs to be done about it and I willl not have time. We need to get a sub contractor to do it if I can't, as it's urgent".
I was told to leave the job and the office would discuss it with the customer's Insurance company. I fail to see how I could have handeled the situation any better than I did.

The next reason you gave me for my dismissal, was that I had gone to a callout and left the mains isolated and 2 hot draw offs as there was a leak.

I cleared this with the customer and they said it was fine to leave it off untill our return visit. I instructed the Office the next day that we would need to go back and finish the job and that I had stopped a major leak in the meantime.

You then gave me another reason, which meant we had to do a recall on a job in Swanage. You stated that I had apparently turned a boiler off, as it was dangerous, when it was in fact safe.

I was called to a job where the boiler was going to lockout on fault code F1, which means there is a fault with the gas pressure or water pressure. The water pressure was correct, so I checked the gas pressure. The pressure coming into the property was fine but the pressure to the boiler was not. I concluded this was why it was going to lockout and making loud noises on full rate. I concluded the installation was unsafe and isolated it. You apparently got called back and it was found to be ok. I did not come to the same conclusion. It is possible that when testing, I had not screwed out the test nipple far enough, therefore getting a false reading but it made sense that the pipework was undersized due to the symptons the boiler was experiencing.
If I was wrong, it was a genuine mistake and I would rather be safe than sorry. I wasn't given the opportunity to attend the recall, so therefore, I don't know either way.

The final reason you gave me, was that I fitted a boiler and you had to go back that night to have a look and that I had left the gas off.

The reason I had left the gas off, was that I found a gas escape on the existing pipework, so found the installation to be unsafe. I issued a Warning Notice and left the gas turned off. You then went back and turned installation back on.
I questioned you on this, as you had brought it up as a reason to dismiss me. You said it was fine and that you had checked it. I believe this is not true.

To conclude this letter, I have given reasons as to why and how these situations have come about and feel I have worked to the best of my ability while working for PBS. I have been there for eight years under four different bosses and have never had a problem.

I understand the Company is suffering financially and feel I am being pushed out to avoid paying redundancys. I understand that other Engineers have also recently had warnings and have never received them before.

These were the only items mentioned at the meeting with Bernie also present. I was told that Mike would like to see me the day before I saw him and when I phoned Mike and asked what it was about, he declined to comment. I went in at my usual time and was sacked straight away.

I look forward to your reply regarding this matter.

Yours sincerely

Now I have had a bit of advice would it be possible for admin to delete this letter as I wouldn't want certian pple seeing it?
Bit of good news, ive got 3 jobs booked in and a days work job to quote this week, got a llgs and remove and refix towel rail, a hob to fit, a stopcock to change and the quote is to move a rad from one side of a room to another concrete floor so fairly big job. Hopefully I win that. All of them are for different people so things are kindov looking up.
that was quick! lol i want same advertising as you

I know! got lucky, 2 of them from delivering leaflets, 1 from a website i signed up 2, and another from a bloke i met outside a post office. Going out to get a van tomorrow, that will cheer me up a bit :tongue3:
There is definitely work out there mate and all the signs at my end are that being self-employed is starting to pick up. Even though it probably doesn't feel like it now, this may well end up being a blessing in disguise :) Best of luck with your UD case and keep your head up!
There is definitely work out there mate and all the signs at my end are that being self-employed is starting to pick up. Even though it probably doesn't feel like it now, this may well end up being a blessing in disguise :) Best of luck with your UD case and keep your head up!
Thanks, I was thinking that, I just got myself a new job as well, was due to start tomorrow but I have lost it before I started, changed my voicemail to a company one for myself to potential customers. The guy who gave me the job heared my voicemail and said he was not comfortable with me doing private work on weekends which is totaly understandable. Got another job from a plumber mate of mine today, breakdown which I fixed (loose connection) and he said he has another one for me in the week. Onwards and upwards.
Got a new job, start tuesday, only problem is the private work seems to have realy picked up, im never normaly this busy. Did 4 jobs and a quote for a days work, think I will win that, got a hob install Friday, a powerflush monday and a service wednesday. I can start tuesday at this new job so powerflush is ok but service will have to be moved if customer will agree. Realy don't know what to do now, im definitly in 2 minds. The new employer has told me they want someone permanant, not someone who will leave and go self employed. I'm not the type of person to stitch him up and leave him if I get busy and I would never steal work or anything like that but not sure if there is a fair way of doing this. I have sugested I sign a contact for a minimum working period with him, he seemed to think taht was ok. I have also thought mabee I could I sign a contract saying if I decide to leave I will give a long notice period so he has time to replace me. Realy hard descision
If it was me, once bitten twice shy.
What is to say that you dont find yourself in the same siuation next year, warnings for petty things.
If you are your own boss, then it is only you that can give yourself a rollicking.

IMO, stay self employed, if you can manage and really target your ex employers customer base. Stuff the not stealling work ethic
Got a new job, start tuesday, only problem is the private work seems to have realy picked up, im never normaly this busy. Did 4 jobs and a quote for a days work, think I will win that, got a hob install Friday, a powerflush monday and a service wednesday. I can start tuesday at this new job so powerflush is ok but service will have to be moved if customer will agree. Realy don't know what to do now, im definitly in 2 minds. The new employer has told me they want someone permanant, not someone who will leave and go self employed. I'm not the type of person to stitch him up and leave him if I get busy and I would never steal work or anything like that but not sure if there is a fair way of doing this. I have sugested I sign a contact for a minimum working period with him, he seemed to think taht was ok. I have also thought mabee I could I sign a contract saying if I decide to leave I will give a long notice period so he has time to replace me. Realy hard descision

I hear what your saying mate, but do you really think any employer really gives a damn if he needed to get rid of you? If I where you I'd take the job and fit your own work in around it. If your private work picks up enough to leave then just leave. I am self employed and contract mon-fri and fit my own stuff in around that, it works for me but not for others. But if I had loads of my own work I'd quite easily just do that and walk away from my contract work.
obviously it's easier to walk away from contract work than a normal job, but you've got to look after yourself.
good luck anyway

Ps I've not forgotten about resizing those Worcester junior help sheets, ive just not had time but I'll get em to you as soon as I can
I hear what your saying mate, but do you really think any employer really gives a damn if he needed to get rid of you? If I where you I'd take the job and fit your own work in around it. If your private work picks up enough to leave then just leave. I am self employed and contract mon-fri and fit my own stuff in around that, it works for me but not for others. But if I had loads of my own work I'd quite easily just do that and walk away from my contract work.
obviously it's easier to walk away from contract work than a normal job, but you've got to look after yourself.
good luck anyway

Ps I've not forgotten about resizing those Worcester junior help sheets, ive just not had time but I'll get em to you as soon as I can

I think I will take the job and see what happens, thanks Tom, I assumed you couldn't get them any bigger but theres no rush m8, nice 1 tho.
4 or 5 days work in the scheme of things isn't enough to persuade me to reject a decent job for a fair pay in this climate. By the time you've bought van, all the insurances, gassafe, etc your a good few grand down before you start and competing against a lot of people in a similar position (forced into self employment because of lack of jobs and companies going under)

Personally I would take the job as a quick fix to the issue, if you want to go self employed plan it properly, buy everything you need whilst your on the books and then go for it when you think the time is right. I'm not saying see this bloke over, but consider your options when your in a better position.
4 or 5 days work in the scheme of things isn't enough to persuade me to reject a decent job for a fair pay in this climate. By the time you've bought van, all the insurances, gassafe, etc your a good few grand down before you start and competing against a lot of people in a similar position (forced into self employment because of lack of jobs and companies going under)

Personally I would take the job as a quick fix to the issue, if you want to go self employed plan it properly, buy everything you need whilst your on the books and then go for it when you think the time is right. I'm not saying see this bloke over, but consider your options when your in a better position.

Ive got a van, all the tools, anton v2, powerflush machine, public liability and gs in my name, I know what you are saying though, even with all this its still a big risk to not have a steady income.
Nothing to stop you trying to find some contract work which would give you a good base to work off, then start getting your own work in between?
Nothing to stop you trying to find some contract work which would give you a good base to work off, then start getting your own work in between?

That sounds easyer said then done, theres nothing like that on the job centre site, where would you pick up that kind of work?
More of a case of who you know rather than what you know. I'm in the same position as you actually, redundant. I have been self employed in the past and knew that doing it all over again at this moment in time is a gamble I can't afford to take. I'm in the process of moving toward renewable's because down in the south west there seems to be more job oppurtunities for this market than domestic heating engineers.

Contract work is hard to come by and a lot of jobs don't even get advertised around here as it is so easy to pick up engineers through word and mouth. Just get yourself known if your not already anyway, try and keep an ear out for what's going on locally and who's running what contracts. Don't be afraid to send some enquires out as a lot of employers see proactive as a good thing rather than a nuisance.

It's all a lot easier when you have a steady income coming in and its not essential to survive, when the moneys not coming in I find it a lot harder to think about what to do next.
if someone offered me a job on the cards right now i would jump at the chance, AND i am busy. Nothing can beat knowing you can go work every day and get paid every week IMO
Just thought id update this post incase anyone was intrested, company I got sacked from offered me a £600 payout to which I refused, wouldnt up thier offer so went through court proceedings, in the meantime they have gone bust so I got nothing but got a new job about 5 days after getting sacked, have been there around 2, 3 months, am now going on my own, have just got 60 llgs and services to do and getting busier all the time so I think in a way it was a blessing in disguise
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